Law Offices of Grant J. Gisondo, P.A. Logo

(561) 530-4568

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9:00-5:00 M-F

Saturday Appointments Available

Palm Beach Gardens (Main Location)
500 Village square crossing #103
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Phone: 561-530-4568

West Palm Beach
777 South Flagler Drive, Suite 800 - West Tower, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
Phone: 561-530-4486

Delray Beach
1615 South Congress Avenue, Suite 103,
Delray Beach, Florida 33445
Phone: 561-530-4669

1 SE Ocean Blvd., Stuart, FL 34994
Phone: 772-742-4709

9:00-5:00 M-F

Saturday Appointments Available

(561) 530-4568

Call For Free Consultation

500 Village square crossing, #103 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Grant J. Gisondo, P.A. – Family Law Attorney

Legal Blog

Legal information, news, and more

There is No Favoritism in The Law

For many years it seemed that family courts were biased in favor of one party or the other in a divorce, especially when minor children were involved. As time has gone on, however, family courts have changed in the way they administer justice until there is now no favoritism in a judge's decision regarding divorce issues such as alimony, child support, and who will care for and nurture the minor children. (A child is considered a minor from infancy to age l8 and beyond if the child is unable to support themselves due to severe mental or physical disability.). Here...

Summer Timesharing in a Parenting Plan

How to manage when your school-age children are not in school Trying to figure out how to manage timesharing with your school-age children when they are not in school, especially during the several weeks of summer vacation, is a challenge. Typically, when parents of minor children (children from birth to l8 years and beyond if a child is unable to support themself for physical or mental reasons) are going through a divorce or separation, there will be what is called a parenting plan created. This plan can be formed at mediation by the parents themselves, or if the case goes before...

Tips To Manage Stress During a Divorce

Going through a divorce is rarely easy and never without stress. Even when both parties want the divorce and there are no children involved, there will be stress. Stress can come in many ways, including the disagreements as to who gets what, from the delay in the time it takes to complete all the necessary steps to a final decree, to emotional heartbreak, to trying to figure out how life will be when the divorce is over. Most couples had hoped for a “forever after” on their wedding day, and just the realization that their marriage didn’t make it is...

How Much Alimony Can I Expect to Pay?

Alimony, frequently referred to as spousal support, is a monetary amount awarded to either spouse based on a variety of factors, including: A proven need for alimony must be present. It must be shown that a party needs alimony to manage finances during the transition from married life to single life. A party does not have the skills or education to gain employment at a level needed to support themselves without the help of a spouse. One party has stayed home during the marriage and provided care for the home and children, if any, while the other spouse has been...

In Florida, Do I have to Pay Child Support If I Have No Visitation Rights?

Yes, if you have been ordered to pay child support, you cannot waive that responsibility. Even if you have no visitation rights, you must still pay your ordered child support. In Florida, child support and visitation rights are two separate issues, one not depending on the other. In fact, if you don’t have visitation rights and are hoping to obtain them if your child support payments are in arrears, a judge will not consider your request. Child support is a court-ordered obligation for any couple who have created a child, whether the parents have married, lived together, or met for a...

Did You Know Our Retainers are Refundable?

Gone are the days when a handshake was all that was needed to secure a service that would be paid for when the work was completed. Unfortunately, some people will take advantage of a situation where they think they can get the work done and then walk away without paying. And an attorney deserves to be paid for their work. Many years of education, passing the Bar exams, setting up a practice, paying for legal costs such as filing motions and attending mediations and depositions, and completing continuing education requirements have a significant cost. So It is that the practice...

What Is the Difference Between Alimony and Child Support?

The simple answer to the question What is the difference between alimony and child support is that alimony is a payment made from one spouse to the other for various issues involving support or deserved monetary award. In comparison, child support is a payment from one spouse to the other to help pay for the care of a couple’s minor children. Let’s take a detailed look at each type of support. Alimony: Each state has its own set of guidelines for alimony, so that this blog will focus on Florida. There a six types of alimony or, as more recently termed,...

Can I Get a Divorce in Florida Even if My Spouse Doesn’t Want One?

The quick answer to the question, can I get a divorce in Florida even if my spouse doesn’t want one? is yes. In Florida, a no-fault state, all that is necessary is that one party needs to plead irreconcilable differences. The other party doesn’t have to agree or sign anything for a divorce to be completed. That being said, the spouse wanting the divorce cannot just walk into court and get one without going through the legal process of obtaining a divorce. Guidelines are the same for both parties wanting a divorce and only one party wanting a divorce. If there...

When is it Time to Hire a Lawyer?

Hiring a lawyer is an important step in planning and negotiating most legal proceedings. As to the exact time to hire a lawyer, the answer, in most cases, is the sooner, the better. But why is this so? What about trying to save some money and see what you can do on your own first? Looking at planning a divorce, for example, you will see there are definite advantages to finding the right Family Law lawyer as soon as you are thinking about divorce. Right from the beginning, when you are still in the thinking stage, a Family Law lawyer can...

Why is it so Important to Take Your Timesharing?

For many years when there was a permanent separation or a divorce, if there were minor children, either biological or adopted, the court would appoint or order one parent to have primary custody while the other parent had visitation rights. Minor children were all children ages birth to age l8, and beyond if there were medical or mental reasons the child could not support themselves. Along with the right to have the minor child live exclusively with one parent came the right for the custodial parent to make all decisions for the child’s welfare, including major ones like education, medical,...