Law Offices of Grant J. Gisondo, P.A. Logo

(561) 530-4568

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9:00-5:00 M-F

Saturday Appointments Available

Palm Beach Gardens (Main Location)
500 Village square crossing #103
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Phone: 561-530-4568

West Palm Beach
777 South Flagler Drive, Suite 800 - West Tower, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
Phone: 561-530-4486

Delray Beach
1615 South Congress Avenue, Suite 103,
Delray Beach, Florida 33445
Phone: 561-530-4669

1 SE Ocean Blvd., Stuart, FL 34994
Phone: 772-742-4709

9:00-5:00 M-F

Saturday Appointments Available

(561) 530-4568

Call For Free Consultation

500 Village square crossing, #103 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Grant J. Gisondo, P.A. – Family Law Attorney

Legal Blog

Legal information, news, and more

Am I Headed for Divorce?

How do I know a divorce is likely in my future? There are many signs, some known ahead of time and some that come as horrible surprises, to indicate the likelihood a divorce will happen. Here are 6 of these reasons: You have been served with divorce papers and now have 20 days to answer the petition for dissolution of marriage, the term used in most states for “divorce”. You are certain there has been infidelity. This certainty can come from situations including finding your spouse in bed with another, frequent late nights which turn out to be lied about,...

How to Strategically Plan for a Divorce

Strategic planning sounds like something one does when fighting a war. And, in truth, many divorces are much like a war, with opposing sides, each trying to win the battle and take home the spoils. Sad as this seems, especially as at one time there was love and the hope of a future lifetime together, it is a reality, for at least 50% of the marriages in the US will end in divorce. So, as in war, it is best to strategically plan, usually and most advisably, with the help of an experienced Family Law attorney. Whether you are the...

Domestication of a Foreign Order (Child Support, Alimony, etc) in Florida

The title, “Domestication of a Foreign Order”, implies the order needing domestication is from outside the United States. While this is true in some instances, the majority of orders in this category result from moving to another state outside the state where the order was adjudicated. We live in a mobile society. Many people move from place to place every few years or even more often. Jobs move employees, people marry and move with their spouse, or sometimes people just want a change in their environment or a place with better educational opportunities for their children. And, since every state has...

Alimony and Standard of Living Factor

For alimony, what does the factor “standard of living” during marriage really mean as a factor to determine the amount of alimony? One of the most disputed and controversial aspects of a dissolution of marriage (divorce), is the type and amount of alimony (spousal support) to be awarded to whichever party deserves the support. This is especially true in what is called “high end” or “high earner” marriages. Sometimes millions of dollars are at stake and, while a couple can, and often do, create their own settlement during a mediation prior to a court hearing (in the state of Florida a...

Five Things Attorneys Want to Tell Their Clients

You are sitting in an attorney’s office waiting to meet the attorney you are considering or have chosen to represent you in a legal matter, be it civil or criminal. You have a whole list of things you want to tell and ask the attorney and you are even ready to write his or her answers down.The next half hour or so is important and could even change the course of your life. A successful outcome for your issues usually means a great deal to you and you will be counting on the attorney, if at all possible, to make...

All About the “Talking Parents” Communication Website and How it Compares to Florida’s Family Wizard Site

Even in the best of circumstances surrounding the break-up of a family with minor children, meaningful and polite communication is often difficult to achieve.This is made even more difficult when one of the main reasons the marriage broke down was poor and sometimes volatile communication. While a judge can order reasonable communication it seems there are many instances when reasonable communicating between two parents is just about impossible. There is just too much emotion and often anger involved. So, in many states, “technical” means for the two parties to communicate have been developed. In at least 35 states, for example, there...

Part Three: Ways To Help Children Cope With Life After a Divorce or Parent Separation

Having one’s parents separate whether from within a marriage or a living together arrangement can be, and often is, devastating for children of any age. It is particularly difficult for minor children or those with special needs who depend on parental support and care. In most states, there are guidelines and requirements for post judgment parenting. In Florida, for example, all couples must attend a state approved parenting class before a divorce or child support order can be adjudicated. Furthermore, in Florida, the motto “In the best interest of the child” is applied to decisions made regarding minor children as...

Part Two, Parallel Parenting, What is it, and How Does it Compare to Co-Parenting?

As was pointed out in Part One of this three part discussion on parenting after a divorce or relational break-up, that many states, Florida in particular, are firm advocates of both parents taking equal responsibility in the continued raising and nurturing of their children, biological and/or adopted. The term “In the best interest of the child” is used to emphasize how important it is for both parents to put themselves in their children’s shoes and see how it feels and then provide the correct “fit”. Co-parenting, where both parents share equally in decision making regarding education, medical, religious, and disciplinary concerns...

The Importance of Co-parenting – Part One

The definition of co-parenting as defined in the online Your Dictionary “is a process where two parents work together to raise a child even though they are divorced or separated and no longer live together. An example of co-parenting is when a divorced mother and father share legal and physical custody of a child.” Couples who have never married or even lived together but still share the birth or adoption of a child are also candidates for co-parenting. In fact, in the state of Florida where Family Law statutes use the phrase “In the best interest of the child” as...

Don’t record your spouse without consent

It is very tempting to record conversations a spouse is having with someone who can demonstrate that a particular fact is indeed true in regards to a certain situation in a case such as a dissolution of marriage (divorce). For example, in Florida, you might believe your spouse is funneling important marital assets, that are property, real or personal, that were acquired during the marriage and will be part of the equitable distribution following final judgment. The phone rings and as you quietly picks it up the party on the other end, not realizing you are listening outlines plans to...