A New Year and A New You…When Is It Time to Throw In The Towel In A Marriage?

When is it time to get a divorce? The answer will vary from couple to couple as no two marriages are the same. However, there are some universal signs that can suggest that the marriage is over and it is time to file for divorce, which, in many states, including Florida, is called dissolution of marriage. In recent years the term dissolution of marriage has been used to better reflect what happens when two married people no longer sustain a meaningful relationship and want to dissolve that relationship union. Here are some telltale signs to signal an end to marriage:
- Probably the most frequent reason for dissolving a marriage is the wandering eye of either or both persons. When a spouse is no longer satisfying in a physical and emotional sense, the party or parties will want to (and often do) seek satisfaction outside the marriage. Few people are willing to share their spouses.
- Boredom is another reason marriages dissolve. As couples age, if there is little common bonding, a couple may feel they would like to try to find someone who shares their interests and enjoys similar activities. Especially in long-term marriages, boredom becomes a reason to throw in the towel before it is too late.
- Once a couple’s children are raised, couples sometimes feel their marriage is over; they don’t have the same interests and goals for a future for just the two of them. Instead of looking forward to retirement, they dread spending so much time together. Another example is one party wants to travel, and the other prefers to find activities volunteering in the community.
- Finances can sometimes become an issue. A party may have spent years working to put the other party through school and start a business, and the receiving party doesn’t seem to appreciate the sacrifices or include the giving spouse in the newly formed activities.
- Finances can also come into play if one spouse continually overspends, putting the marriage in financial jeopardy. Too, sometimes one spouse, usually the main breadwinner, will be stingy with money and not provide adequately for their spouse.
- Often a couple will seek help from a marriage counselor as their marriage begins to unravel. However, when this doesn’t work, a couple will often seek divorce as a solution. There is also the fact that some spouses will refuse to try marriage counseling asserting that all the problems are the fault of the other spouse.
- Sometimes fear Is a factor to bring about divorce. If a spouse is constantly angry and uses emotional and physical pain to control the other spouse, the abused spouse will need to end the marriage for sanity and safety.
Most couples hope their marriage will be until death do us part. However, the death of a marriage is often (nearly 50% of US couples divorce) the outcome. Hopefully, a couple will think carefully before making the final decision when it is time to get a divorce. If you are considering divorce, it is advisable to consult with a Marriage and Family Law professional. For those living in Florida in Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, Miami-Dade, Broward, Orange, or Hillsborough Counties or New York or Washington DC Florida, Board Certified Marriage and Family Law Attorney Grant Gisondo is ready to help with over a decade of successful experience with divorce. He offers a free, initial, in-office consultation to answer your general questions and to share how he can represent you. Please call his office at (561) 530-4568 to make an appointment. To learn about Attorney Gisondo and his law practice, visit his website https://gisondolaw.com.